Yearly Archives - 2016

December 2016


1st e-Newsletter of ATHENA

The first e-Newsletter of ATHENA has been released today. It contains all the activities carried out during the 1st year of the ATHENA project. (more…)

November 2016

Remote sensing heritage in a petabyte-scale

New publication release

“Remote sensing heritage in a petabyte-scale: satellite data and heritage Earth Engine© applications”, International Journal of Digital Earth (more…)

ATHENA briefing

ATHENA briefing

Prof. D. Hadjimitsis, coordinator of the ATHENA project briefs Prof. Gerasimos Pavlogeorgatos, University of Aegean.

ATHENA supports EGU Special Session

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna | Austria | 23-28 April 2017 "Assessment of climate hazards' impact on natural and cultural environment: Remote sensing and GIS applications" (more…)


ATHENA at EuroMED 2016 conference

ATHENA’s first year activities have been presented in the EuroMED 2016 conference under the title “Establishing a remote sensing science center in Cyprus: first year of activities of ATHENA project”.

euromed 2016

ATHENA project first year’s annual meeting

The first annual meeting of ATHENA project has been successfully accomplished during the EuroMED 2016 international conference taken place in Nicosia, Cyprus. ATHENA consortium partners placed particular focus on the work plan for 2017 and discussed amongst other forthcoming training and knowledge transfer activities. Decisions regarding the deliverables and future communication for promoting the ATHENA vision have been also made.


ATHENA project team members meeting with local stakeholders

ATHENA presented to the Ministry of Communications and Works ATHENA mission and objectives have been presented to the General Director of the Ministry of Communications and Works Mr. Alecos Michaelides. The Ministry is responsible for Space Strategy in Cyprus and Cultural Heritage. In the meeting Dr. Anthi Kaldeli from the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus as well as the Director of the Department of Electronic Communications, Mr. George Komodromos have participated along with and the Officer Mr. Anastasios Elia from the...