Monthly Archives - July 2016

July 2016


ATHENA project responds to fire emergency call in Cyprus

CUT members staff from the ATHENA project have been recently involved in the preparation of post-fire maps and analysis of multispectral satellite images in the wider area of Solea region, in the vicinity of Cultural Heritage Sites and Monuments, included UNESCO World Heritage Sites.   (more…)


Journal Publication release

"Correlating damage condition with historical seismic activity in underground sepulchral monuments of Cyprus", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.07.007 .  (more…)


Journal Publication release

"Orthogonal equations for the detection of hidden archaeological remains de-mystified", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.07.004 (more…)

Surveying Modelling Monitoring Management BIM-GIS based Cultural Heritage & Built Environment

Surveying Modelling Monitoring Management BIM-GIS based: Cultural Heritage & Built Environment

ATHENA supports the PhD Summer School course “Surveying Modelling Monitoring Management BIM-GIS based: Cultural Heritage & Built Environment” (19-22 July, 2016). The course is organized by Politecnico di Milano, dABC with Visiting Lecturers from Carleton University (Canada), FORTH Institute (Greece) and Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus). Dr. Branka Cuca from CUT will present the session “Societal Challenges, Copernicus Programme Opportunities & Archaeolandscape”. Read more here.