News & Events

October 2017

September 2017

Athena presented at EARSeL Chania

Athena presented at EARSeL Workshop in Chania – Greece (25-27/9/2017) as a poster and oral presentation part of the EXCELSIOR Teaming Project by Prof. D.G.Hadjimitsis and PhD candidate Andreas Christofe. Athena is coordinated by Remote Sensing and Geo Environment Lab_Eratosthenes Research Centre.

August 2017

Looting Training Flyer


“Archaeological looting: Ancient problems and New approaches based on Remote Sensing” Συνημμένο θα βρείτε το πρόγραμμα “Archaeological looting:Ancient problems and New approaches based on Remote Sensing”   από την CNR στα πλαίσια του Athena training που θα πραγματοποιηθεί την 1/9/2017 στο κτήριο Δωροθέα στο ΤΕΠΑΚ. Παρακαλώ όπως με ενημερώσετε για την συμμετοχή σας μέχρι τις 28/8/2017 στο email : Η εκπαίδευση είναι ανοικτή για όλους και σε περίπτωση που γνωρίζετε κάποιο που θέλει να συμμετέχει είναι ευπρόσδεκτος.   Looting Training Agenda

July 2017

RSPSoc 2017

Athena @ RSPSoc 2017

Athena will be presented at the RSPSoc 2017 organized by the Imperial College London. RSPSoc is the UK's leading Society for remote sensing and photogrammetry and their application to education, science, research, industry, commerce and the public service. More info can be found here


Athena @ MONUBASIN 2017

Athena activities will be presented in the International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin (MONUBASIN). The symposium is focused in the area of conservation and restoration of monuments, to present their work and exchange ideas and experiences for over 28 years. (more…)

June 2017

Publication from CUT team member as the most cited in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Publication from CUT team member as the most cited in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

The publication entitled as "Remote sensing archaeology: Tracking and mapping evolution in European scientific literature from 1999 to 2015" is now ranked as first in the most cited papers of the JAS: Reports journal. The paper discusses the on-going research related to remote sensing archaeology in Europe, since the launch in 1999 of the first high resolution satellite sensor IKONOS. The research follows a citation based approach, where useful information is retrieved from the scientific literature. (more…)


Special issues of Optical Remote Sensing Summer School

The 2nd Summer School of the ATHENA project has been hosted at the Cyprus University of Technology premises between 12-15 June, 2017. The topic of the summer school was "Special issues of Optical Remote Sensing" and more specifically hyperspectral analysis and spectral un-mixing. The lectures and hands-on workshop on Matlab encviroment have been prepared by Dr. Daniele Cerra from DLR.

ATHENA supports the Summer School at POLIMI

ATHENA supports the Summer School at POLIMI

ATHENA project supports the Summer School Course "CULTURAL HERITAGE AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT SURVEYING, MODELLING AND MONITORING" held at Politecnico di Milano between June 20-23 2017. The topic of this year summer school is "Multi-Temporal, Multi-Source, Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Data for Built Environment, Cultural Heritage and Archaeology" During the summer school Dr. Athos Agapiou from CUT and Dr. Daniele Cerra from DLR will present and provide hands on experience in the participants. The summer school is organized by Prof. R. Brumana;  Ass. Prof. B....