Yearly Archives - 2016

August 2016


Journal Publication release

"Colour to Greyscale Pixels: Re-seeing Greyscale Archived Aerial Photographs and Declassified Satellite CORONA Images Based on Image Fusion Techniques", Archaeological Prospection, DOI: 10.1002/arp.1536. (more…)

July 2016

Surveying Modelling Monitoring Management BIM-GIS based Cultural Heritage & Built Environment

Surveying Modelling Monitoring Management BIM-GIS based: Cultural Heritage & Built Environment

ATHENA supports the PhD Summer School course “Surveying Modelling Monitoring Management BIM-GIS based: Cultural Heritage & Built Environment” (19-22 July, 2016). The course is organized by Politecnico di Milano, dABC with Visiting Lecturers from Carleton University (Canada), FORTH Institute (Greece) and Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus). Dr. Branka Cuca from CUT will present the session “Societal Challenges, Copernicus Programme Opportunities & Archaeolandscape”. Read more here.

June 2016

athena2020-summer school

Summer School 23-25/6/2016

The first ATHENA Summer School was held in the premises of Cyprus University of Technology in the Remote Sensing and Geoenviroment Lab of “Eratosthenes”. Prof. Dr. Michael Eineder from DLR/TUM presented the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Principles and Applications while Dr. Ramon Brcic presented TerraSAR-X Data, SAR Sentinel-1 Data, ERS-ENVISAT-Data and SAR data availability for Paphos Testsite as well SAR Data Evaluation. (more…)