Journal Publication release
"Towards a spectral library of Roman to Early Christian Cypriot floor mosaics", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.029 (more…)
"Towards a spectral library of Roman to Early Christian Cypriot floor mosaics", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.029 (more…)
The first ATHENA Summer School was held in the premises of Cyprus University of Technology in the Remote Sensing and Geoenviroment Lab of “Eratosthenes”. Prof. Dr. Michael Eineder from DLR/TUM presented the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Principles and Applications while Dr. Ramon Brcic presented TerraSAR-X Data, SAR Sentinel-1 Data, ERS-ENVISAT-Data and SAR data availability for Paphos Testsite as well SAR Data Evaluation. (more…)
ATHENA project presented to undergraduate students of the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics (Cyprus University of Technology) during the summer courses (1/6/2016).
The Cyprus University of Technology, Eratosthenes Research Center, presented by Dr. Kyriakos Themistocleous at the “Cyprus Embraces Space 2016” Conference, under the auspices of the Honourable Minister of Transport, Communications & Works on 18 May, 2016. (more…)
photos6 (1) Hands-on experience in Remote Sensing for non-distractive diagnostic tools. photos6 (16) Hands-on experience in Remote Sensing for non-distractive diagnostic tools. photos6 (14) Hands-on experience in Remote Sensing for non-distractive diagnostic tools. photos6 (13) Hands-on experience in Remote Sensing for non-distractive diagnostic tools. photos6 (12) Hands-on experience in Remote Sensing for non-distractive diagnostic tools.
10/5/2016, Athena project partners CNR and CUT discussing with Pr. Fulong Chen from HIST (International Centre on Space Technologies for natural and Cultural Heritage under the auspices of UNESCO) supporters of ATHENA projects.
“1st International school of Geophysics and Remote Sensing for Archaeology organized by CNR-IBAM, CNR-IREA, Soprintendenza of Pompeii with the support of Cyprus University of Technology in the context of Athena Project activities. ATHENA - Cyprus University of Technology.”
Photo1: 9/5/2016, Dr Agapiou presented “Ground-truth Spectroradiometric data for archaeological applications”
9/5/2016, CUT team participated in the International School of Pompeii.
Background The workshop is within the series of workshops and trainings of the ATHENA Twinning project[1] funded by H2020. The workshop was conducted during the Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment RSCy2016[2]. The ATHENA Workshop is a one-day general introduction to the European Copernicus Earth observation program, focusing on the topics of the H2020 ATHENA project, such as: Preservation and monitoring of Cultural Heritage Archaeological research Protection from archaeological looting Eastern Mediterranean region The German Aerospace Center (DLR) -...